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Knapps Lawyers Gerard Praat

Gerard is very much the family man but with his three boys recently flying the coop, Gerard is now dangerously free to pursue his much guarded secret hobby – DIY and is often found plotting the next foray into the improvement of the backyard or grappling with the latest power tool.

Gerard’s working life couldn’t be more different. He specialises in helping clients resolve all kinds of disputes. Most of his work sees him assisting commercial clients but he is also of assistance to individual clients and particularly those who may have estate disputes to resolve.  He says, “the answers to many problems more often than not lie in a mixture of legal advice and practical considerations.”

He believes the success of Client Legal Solutions will be down to the genuine desire of staff to help clients and which is done with care and empathy. This is reinforced by the informal and down to earth culture of the firm which instantly removes barriers and makes clients comfortable.

He is looking forward to being part of a smaller firm and having more of a hands-on involvement in its development.  Gerard believes the new firm’s size will lend itself to increased agility and responsiveness in meeting the needs of its clients.

Gerard is an active member of the New Zealand Law Society.

Chat with Gerard Praat
Ian Turner
Kelly Hymers


315 Hardy Street, Nelson
New Zealand

+64 3 548 4534


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